Hi! Why do some eBay sellers hide bidders’ identities? They use so-called “private listing – bidders’ identities protected” in order not to disclose bidders’ identities. I don’t get it why would anyone need to do this… In any case, all you ...
ShopperLib Latest Questions

Dear all, About a week ago I wanted to buy this antique snake bracelet with rubies on Catawiki auction. However, the price skyrocketed and I refrained from bidding. Now I cannot stop thinking about this bracelet. Did I make a mistake? ...

Are GGL certificates fake or not?
Hi guys! I need a new clasp for my akoya pearl necklace. 18K gold is a bit too soft. So, I’d prefer a 14K yellow gold clasp. Any ideas where I can get the best deal in terms of price/quality? I need a ...

Hi! I’m about to buy a piece of jewelry for my wife. It comes with a certificate issued by Westfield Jewelry Appraisers. Are these certificates credible? Paulo

I would like to buy a present for my girlfriend, and I found a pair of these nice earrings + pendant on Etsy – https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/727871255/victorian-edwardian-spirit-of-christmas The seller has a 5-star reputation. She claims that all the gemstones ...

Hi everyone! Can I have your opinion about this ring on Catawiki auction website? https://www.catawiki.com/l/37766301-925-silver-ring-6-52-ct-green-emerald At the moment the highest bid is EUR 80, but the auction will end in 22 hours. So, there is still plenty of ...

First of all, I’d like to thank you, Anna and @Editor, for your exhaustive answers on this one – https://www.shopperlib.com/question/12-25-ct-ggl-certificate-unheated-emerald-ring-925-ebay/ Are these two dyed beryl, too?: 1. https://auctionet.com/en/1232118-smaragd-7-07-ct 2.

Hi! I would really appreciate an opinion on this one. There was an auction on Catawiki today – emerald beads necklace. I wanted to bid on this item (https://auction.catawiki.com/kavels/32312223-4-wires-handmade-emerald-necklace-round-beads-polished-191-g-1), but I was really surprised that there is no ...

Hi, I’d like to ask about this emerald on liveauctioneers.com: https://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/81173757_igi-certified-722-ct-emerald-colombia It has been certified by IGI. So, no doubt, it is a natural emerald. However, I’m not sure how much should I bid on it. The price ...